




 ANCHOR TM is a device that allows you to mount a reflex ball or punching bag without the need for a permanent grip in the floor.

If you train in an apartment or other place where you can not or do not want to destroy the floor by mounting the mounting bracket  ANCHOR anchor is the perfect solution to the problem.





Stabilization and weighting of the punching bag 

All our  punching bags have an additional attachment from the bottom of the bag.

It is used when needed for additional stabilization of the bag, protecting it against excessive swinging during training. Although in most cases swinging the bag is advisable in order to train the sense of distance and movement, in some situations e.g. during training in the clinch its additional stability is indicated.

It is then recommended to attach it using the bottom mount and flexible expander.




Mounting the reflex ball

In the case of a reflex ball, expanders must be installed both from below and from above. While there is usually no problem with mounting the ceiling, it is impossible to install the mounting on the floor. You can use an anchor for this purpose, which thanks to its large weight (about 20 kg) will perfectly replace the permanent attachment.


Big weight and optimal dimensions

ANCHOR TM is made of very durable Rexion leather and additionally reinforced with nylon straps with a load capacity of up to 400 kg.

The whole structure of the device is adapted to the loads to which the device will be exposed during conditional training sessions.

The cover has a diameter of 40 cm and 10 cm in height and is able to fit about 20 kg of sand, guaranteeing stability during training on a boxing ball and punching bag.

The anchor diameter has been chosen so as not to disturb during training on a pear or bag.


Mounting expander.

From the top, the ANCHOR TM is finished with a durable handle to attach the training device to. In the set with the device you will receive a training expander that allows you to mount the punching bag.



Easy and tight filling

You can fill the anchor with any filler, we recommend sand for this purpose (it allows filling to a weight of about 20 kg) but if necessary you can use another filler or even cast iron loads (e.g. dumbbell plates).

The device is equipped with a convenient zipper thanks to which you can easily fill it.

anchor to the punching bag


Technical specifications:

  • Material: Rexion leather
  • Dimensions: 40×10 cm
  • Weight: about 20 kg after filling with sand
  • Can be filled with any filler
  • Application: weighting, assembly of punching bags and boxing pears
  • Warranty: 2 years


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